Friday, June 29, 2012

SCOTUS and the Millennium of Aftermath

By now the entire country knows that The Affordable Care Act has been upheld essentially in its entirety. Chief Justice Roberts was the surprising swing vote in the 5-4 decision. In the past Justice Roberts would only side with the more liberal side of the bench to shore up an already decision. This would mean a 6-3 vote to show a unified court. However yesterday he single handily decided the vote of the bill. While republicans are fuming, they may soon realize that Justice Roberts actually made a constitutionally conservative vote. Instead of upholding the law through the commerce clause, which was initially made to regulate interstate trade but has been used to expand federal oversight into most facets of public life, he instead said that Congress had the authority through its taxing powers. That is a victory for strict constitutionalist and also a win for the President because he still keeps his healthcare bill. It is too soon to tell which way the two sided coin will land in November

While the decision is a confirmation of Obama's credibility, is is a potential a liability for his campaign. Until this ruling, I had no doubt in my mind that President Obama would be reelected. but I now see a distinct possibility that 2012 could usher in President Romney and here is why. If the law was struck down, Obama would be able to play the martyr who is willing to do hard things. Upholding the law may make him more credible, but it gives an arsenal of ammunition to Mitt Romney. Hard the law been struck down Romney would need to explain how he would fix the healthcare problem which both sides of the ailse admit exists. Now Romney can raise the flag of repeal and bring independent voters who oppose the law to his side. One concern with him as a candidate was that the conseravtive base would not embrace someone who had been so moderate in the past. Romney has done well to shore up that base and this ruling may have pushed him over the edge.

Now this blog is Cheesehead Politics and my focus is Wisconsin politics which typically means the US Senate race right now, but some issues are so transcendent that every elected official in the state will release a statement on it. Yesterday I was able to see Mark Neumann at the state capital and listen to his reaction and afterwards listen in on a Eric Hovde press conference call. Statements from Tommy Thompson and Tammy Baldwin come from emails released by their campaigns. 

Neumann: Much of what Neumann said was typical conservative talking points. His chief concern in the campaign is repealing 'Obamacare'. The fight is not over and he cleared up confusion by stating the Congress could still repeal the law. Apparently some people thought a SCOTUS ruling meant that the law was permanent, it is not. His second concern is balancing the budget.

Hovde: In the conference call Hovde answered questions about the ruling. Again he stuck with the conservative line. Hovde did mention the economic backlash of the bill since it took into account 10 years of revenue for the law when really it would not have that much financial support initially. Beyond that he was still 'digesting' the ruling. 

Thompson: Released a statement "Obamacare can still be repealed by Congress - as long as we win a US Senate majority in November. I can deliver this win for Republicans, and I am repeal-ready and will work to replace this destructive mandate with intelligent, market-based solutions."

He then followed up with an email attacking Congresswoman Baldwin's support of the law. This week has not been the best for Thompson though. The Club for Growth has been launching ads about Thompson's previous support of a bill similar to the Affordable Care Act. While Tommy is very firm in his opposition and promises to repeal the law on day one, quotes from the past may continue to haunt him in this campaign. 

Baldwin: Released a statement applauding the independent courts decision and went on to talk about how it would help those currently without care. She then transitioned to attacking the Republican candidates on their opposition to the decision. Each of these candidates essentially stuck to party line talking points.  

Friday, June 22, 2012

Will the King be Dethroned?

 A recent poll by Marquette law school shows Eric Hovde and Mark Neumann essentially tied for second place become Tommy Thompson in the Republican primary. While both Neumann and Hovde trailed by over 15 points, that is not the entire story. A full quarter of the people surveyed were undecided. Why is that so significant? Well Governor Thompson has been building his name ID and reputation across the state since before many voters were born. If someone is undecided, it is not likely that they would suddenly decide to swing over to Thompson. The only situation where I see that happening is if the Romney Effect comes into play. 

Romney became the Republican nominee for president not because he was a great candidate, but because people knew who he was, his campaign was structured and experienced, and he had the money to push through. There are few similarities between the US Senate field and the 2012 presidential field though. The presidential field saw many 2nd and 3rd tier candidates battling to become the anti-Romney, but none stood out. They each had a few weeks in the spotlight but none could pull it off. Some candidates ran too soon, some too late, some did not have the experience needed. In the end the race began and finished with Mitt Romney. 

If this was still 2010 I would almost expect the Romney Effect, but the climate has changed. In 2010 Republicans were begging Thompson to enter the Senate race. He did not. Instead businessman Ron Johnson was elected, and Wisconsin Republicans have been in love ever since. Thompson may have expected a rain check that just did not exist. The 2010 field was also considerably weaker. Johnson was the only candidate who seemed viable and thus faced little primary opposition (in big part due to receiving the party's nomination at the state convention). Jeff Fitzgerald, Mark Neumann and Eric Hovde are each strong enough candidates to be considered for the primary. Any one of them would come out well against the 2010 field. 

That being said Tommy Thompson is the front runner and this race is his to lose. The other candidates will need to kick their campaigns into high gear if they expect to dethrone the king. Tommy is still a living legend and will not be beaten easily. 

One last note, each poll has showed Tammy Baldwin losing to most republican candidates, but that same Marquette Law School poll showed her beating half the republicans and losing to Thompson by considerablly less. If the infighting, mud slinging, and expensive primary season continues ti break down the Republican party, they may find themselves in a world of hurt when the bloodied victor emerges from the primary to find a pristine, fully funded and tenacious Tammy Baldwin waiting for them. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Neumann on the Trail

Today Mark Neumann continued his race for the US Senate by holding a small press event out side of Saint Mary's hospital in Madison. He said that even if Obamacare is not overturned by the Supreme Court (which he thinks it will be), that it must be struck down by the legislature. Beyond that it must be replaced with different health care reforms. When asked about a woman's right to choose versus the pro-life argument he turned the tables to the Constitution. To Neumann it is a matter of protecting the rights of religious groups as laid out in the 1st amendment. I look forward to more of his impromptu press events in the future.

The Un-Debate

Last night the Dane County Young Republicans held what was originally going to be a debate. I am not going to trash Governor Thompson too much for not showing up, I know scheduling conflicts do arise. As far as I can tell he had nothing else going on during those two hours. So instead of a back and forth discussion between the three top candidates in the race, we received two fifteen minute long stump speeches and a few pre-written questions. 

Before the main event started the Republican candidate for the 2nd Congressional seat spoke. Mr. Chad Lee previously ran against Tammy Baldwin for that same seat in 2010, but failed despite the Republican avalanche. Granted that district includes the entire city of Madison and it is unlikely to ever go Republican. That has not stopped Chad Lee from trying. His short speech spoke of his experience starting a cleaning business. While Mr. Lee seemed well put together and gave a good speech it appears that the district itself will keep him from having a real shot at victory. 

On to the main event: the 'forum'. The event was downgraded to a forum because only two of the four candidates in the race were in attendance. Neumann was the first to address the crowd of roughly 60 Young Republicans. He began by praising Walker and the efforts of those who campaigned against the recall. The rest of his fifteen minutes held his go to short stories. How he got kicked off the appropriations committee, how he claimed a formerly democratic congressional seat. The Q&A section was a little more interesting. Neumann asserted that a balance budget amendment is vital and the 10th amendment is key to restoring the countries finances. When asked about Iran he essentially said that he would research the topic more if in that situation and not use military force unless it was cost effective and quick. Probably not enough to keep the libertarian fringe happy but seemed hesitant to an extent. 

Overall Mark Neumann gave his rather typical stump speech. It was not necessarily bad, just slightly recycled yet still spotted with a few rounds of applause. His campaign appears to remaining at the same course it was on prior to the recall. I will be interested to see if it kicks into high gear as the primary draws near. 

Next was Eric Hovde. Mr. Hovde is still a very new face in Senate race. I imagine that a good majority of the crowd had not heard him speak in person and was curious about this guy who is willing to spend millions on t.v. ads. When Hovde began to speak the event had been going on for almost an hour already and the mood in the room was pretty boring. He did the whole "stand up and get the blood flowing" thing which seemed a little forced. He appeared to be a lot more energetic than the his last event I covered. 

His remarks stuck to the political outsider message. Hovde said that he had no desire to run for office but felt that he had to do something. He then laid out the eight point plan his campaign released last week. While I appreciate him giving the meat and potatoes approach to the forum, it did feel rushed. He had to fit the last 5 points into about a minutes time. The two big applause topics for him were auditing the fed and energy independence. During the Q&A section he took the questions from the moderator who was having trouble reading them. The crowd laughed and it showed how comfortable he was on stage. It also reminded me of how knew he is to this whole game. 

Eric Hovde did a good job at the forum, but is still struggling with name ID. He seems to be getting better at campaigning, but will need to be careful not to get too comfortable. It is a good thing he is willing to put so much of his own money into the race, he will need it.  

Friday, June 15, 2012

Student's Advocate: Congresswoman Baldwin

Congresswoman Baldwin has taken a unique focus on this US Senate race. Although summer is here and college students are bagging groceries and painting houses to pay the bills, she is working to keep their interest rates low. While the Republican primary has four candidates battling for the parties nomination, Baldwin is running essentially unopposed in the Democrat primary and is able to focus on the issues she wants to address. One such issue is the inevitable rise of student loan interest rates. Rates are set to double from 3.4% to 6.8% this July. It is part of a provision passed in 2007 that temporarily lowered the rates for five years.

Today in Milwaukee at MATC Congresswoman Baldwin continued her tour around Wisconsin colleges about this increase. She was introduced by the state chairmen of the College Democrats and accompanied by a dozen students holding Baldwin 2012 signs. The Congresswomen laid out the issue and explained that she had tried to counter the increase that Congress knew was coming, but a deal could not be made. Her solution is the Buffet Rule. The Buffet Rule raising taxes on the highest tax bracket (roughly those making over $1,000,000 a year). I asked the Congresswoman if that increase would be enough to finance keeping the rates froze at 3.4% and she said that it was, but that was not the only issue at hand. She explained we need tax fairness where the rich are taxed at an equivalent rate to lessen to strain on the middle class.

Here is a clip from the event. I will be posting as much footage as my hard drive allows from events in the future.

Neumann vs. Baldwin

This Thursday Mark Neumann responded to Baldwin's challenge over student loans. Student loan rates are set to double from 3.4% to 6.8% this July and Congresswoman Baldwin is touring schools across the state speaking out against the rise. Mark Neumann went to her congressional office in Madison to address her challenge. He gave the party line response of "conservatives want to cut spending and liberals want to raise taxes". While he did not give a concrete plan on how to freeze current interest rates he did turn and attack Baldwin. Neumann handed out a press release saying that the Congresswomen voted for the legislation that is responsible for the increased rate. It is a sunset bill that had temporarily lowered the rate. A sunset bill is one that has a set termination date. At that set time the bill expires. When asked if he would vote for any temporary sunset type bills in the future he said he would not .

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hovde and the Debt

Eric Hovde announced his economic plan on Tuesday with events in Green Bay and Waunakee. I was able to attend the Waunakee event and recorded his speech (video below). For the most part it was the typical conservative economic message: getting rid of debt, Obamacare etc. His eight point plan is:

1. Defeating the debt and balancing the budget;
2. Reforming America's broken tax code;
3. Deregulating our economy;
4. Reforming the Federal Reserve;
5. Reforming the Financial  Reserve;
6. Repealing and replacing ObamaCare;
7. Achieving true energy independence; and
8. Ending crony capitalism

Press conferences and media stunts are fine but I am looking forward to having a debate between the four republicans in the field. Meanwhile Tammy Baldwin is able to fundraise and build her structure as she runs unopposed. November will sure be interesting.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Rest and Recharge

Rest and Recharge was the theme at the Democrat State Convention this past weekend. Congressmen Kind explained it best when he applauded the work that members of the party put in to the recall process. They did all that could be done, and lost. But now is not the time to mope and give up, he called upon the party to take a little time to rest and recharge, but not too long because November is fast approaching.

The convention was held at the Paper valley Radison in Appleton.  Hundreds of activists spent the weekend socializing, listening to speakers, and recharging. All of the familiar faces were in attendance along with a few new ones. Kind provided the meat and potatoes inspiration that many attendees seemed to need, but the rest of the program contributed their own dish so that at the end of the day everyone felt full and satisfied.

Ed Shultz was a semi-surprise. While he could not speech publicly because of legal constraints. He did receive a cheesehead on stage and tell the party how much he supported them. Mahlon Mitchell was another fresh face whose status is the party is reaching rockstar. Although he lost his bid for LT Governor in the recall effort I expect him to be a favorite subject in the rumor mills whenever a new Democrat champion is needed in an election. His relationship with the Democrat party has just begun.

The real keynote speaker of the night was Congresswoman Baldwin. While her speech was brief it gave every appearance of a full blown US Senate campaign. She spoke out against tax brackets that allowed the wealthy to pay less taxes than the middle class and called on the party die hards to keep fighting into November. Her campaign was in full swing and by far the most organized effort of the convention. Roughly a dozen staffers in Baldwin t-shirts were running around all day prepping for the Congresswoman's speech and hospitality suite afterwards. Her suite was also one of the most successful. With ample amounts of beer and hot food patrons did not leave unsatisfied. Former representative Kagan and the Fire Fighters union also had suites with various adult beverages.

At the end of the night everyone appeared to be following Kind's orders to the letter. The doom and gloom that filled the hall at the beginning of the day subsided as smiles and hope returned to the party. It may have been a blessing to have the convention so soon after the failed recall attempt. The Democrat party did not have the luxury of sulking but must unite once again if they intend re-elected President Obama and elect a new Senator in Tammy Baldwin.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Convention: What is Next?

Tonight I will be attending the state convention for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. While I was unable to attend the Republican Convention earlier this year, I hope to make that up to you all with some in person interviews. Bear with me as I attempt to do live updates. It will be interesting to see what they plan next after the recall election this past tuesday. While Democrats lost the gubernatorial race, they did win control of the senate for the time being. That may be enough silver lining to push them towards November when Herb Kohl's senate seat is up for grabs.

Neumann and Porkzilla

This past wednesday Mark Neumann held an event at the Obama victory center in Madison. I was able to attend and hear in person his plans for the senate race, and how he plans to tackle the deficit. Most of the contents of his speech came from information already on his website so I won't reiterate that here. However it is worth nothing that he has received a few important endorsements from the Club for Growth, Senator DeMint and Senator Rand Paul. This should go a long way to rebuild bridges he may have burned in 2010 when he ran against Scott Walker.

The most crucial part of event was the unveiling of Porkzilla. Porkzilla is Neumann's latest live pig used to represent out of control spending. His last pig, Mr. Favors, now weighs over 140 pounds and is too heavy to be brought to events.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Walker Wins the Rematch

The results are final, Walker defeated Tom Barrett for the second time. His 53.2-46.3 win is actually larger than his 52.29- 46.52. win in 2010 during the Tea Party avalanche. However Democrats did win a consolation prize in the 21st senate district where John Lehman squeaked out a narrow victory. Barring a recount, they will gain control of the senate. So what now? Walker's large margin will embolden the Republicans while the 21st district win and pain of defeat will make Democrats more motivated, yet hopeful. Obama continues to poll well over Romney state wide, but that lead is shrinking. One thing is sure, Wisconsin will be a key battleground in both the presidential race and US Senate. Stay tuned for analysis on the Senate race as eyes turn away from the recall.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Bill Clinton will be visiting the Badger State tomorrow to campaign for Tom Barrett. Barrett has been seriously lagging both in the polls and in donations. However momentum may finally be shifting back his way, just in time for the election. After a long and hard fought battle to begin the recall process, Barrett may once again have a real shot at beating governor Walker. One thing is sure, the people of Wisconsin will be happy that this election is over. The only real question is whether they will be happy with whoever wins.

Baldwin Goes Official

Tammy Baldwin is officially on the ballot. A couple days about she turned in over 10,000 signatures from all 72 counties in Wisconsin. This is quite an impressive display that shows organization in the congresswoman's camp. Baldwin does not face a serious challenger in the democrat primary coming up on August 14th. Baldwin was first elected to congress in 1999 and is one of only two candidates for the US senate seat who currently hold an elected office. The other is Jeff Fitzgerald, who faces three opponents in the republican primary. In the next few weeks Wisconsin's US senate race will switch to the front burner as the gubernatorial recall election will be over this tuesday.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thompson's Healthcare Proposal

Yesterday I was able to attend a press event with former Governor Thompson, candidate for the US Senate. Like most republicans now a days he spoke out against Obamacare. However the big difference is that he offered a potential alternative. The problem with the healthcare system according to Thompson is:
  1. Complex and confusing regulations that have destroyed the market,
  2. The disconnection of economic realities and consumer choices; and
  3. The lack of true competition among providers and insurers.
It will be interesting to see how the other candidates respond. The primary is on August 14th, and running against Thompson are Mark Neuman, Eric Hovde, and Jeff Fitzgerald. Tammy Baldwin is currently running unopposed on the democrat ticket. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

More jobs, or more unemployment?

Both Scott Walker and Tom Barrett want this election to be about jobs, according to their recent ads. Scott Walker is running a very simple ad right now. Under his leadership the state added over 30,000 ads. Barrett is countering with loose data about how the state actually lost jobs and that Wisconsin was in last place in terms of job creation. Who is right? Well Walker has released all of his data, and Barrett is keeping that information quite fluid. Obviously numbers can be massaged one way or the other by including or not including different groups, but what ultimately matters is who the public believes. Right now Walker's ad is running EVERYWHERE. It is short, simple, "I added jobs, here is the number" sort of thing. Unless Barrett can start dumping more money into tv Walker is going to win this news cycle.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Polls and Polls and Polls

Money is necessary to run a campaign, media spreads a candidate's message, but only polls can give a quick snapshot of how the race is shaping up. Currently all those polls have Walker in the lead by a small margin. Walker is currently winning 50-44 with likely voters and only 3% undecided. He is also leading 53-40 with independents. Even the Daily Kos, a left leaning pollster, has Walker up 50-45. Now polls are only a snapshot of how a sample of voters would vote at the time of the poll, but it is a fairly good indication. The race will be close, but Walker appears to have the upper hand. That gigantic fundraising lead has clearly paid off. In response Wisconsin Dems released a statement saying that they had polling showing Barrett closing the gap, but did not release any data. 3 weeks to go, time to step it up democrats.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

An Anti-Climactic End?

Why would you work so hard to start a recall, occupy the state capital, spend millions of dollars on state senate recalls, and then give up in the last three weeks? While the Wisconsin Democratic party and candidates have not given up, it seems that the DNC itself may have. As of yesterday the DNC had not given the money that the state party has asked for. Wisconsin democrats asked for $500,000 for Barrett, but have yet to receive anything. $500,000! To put this in perspective Walker has raised 25 MILLION since January 2011. That $500,000 check doesn't seem like much in comparison. The Obama campaign was also contacted about giving money, they were not interested. Barrett has raised less than $900,000 since his campaign started. Come on democrats, finish the fight you started. Don’t give up now.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Rematch 2012

Tom Barrett is the Democratic nominee for Governor in the 2012 recall election. That pits him against Scott Walker, who narrowly beat him back in 2010. Milwaukee Mayor Barrett won the nomination quite handedly against Kathleen Falk, the former Dane County Executive. Most of the unions endorsed Falk, but it was not enough to save her from a 58%-34% defeat by Barrett. The question now is whether union support and money will follow Barrett to the June 5th general election against Walker. There is only four weeks from the time of the primary until the general election. While anti-Walker support is strong, the unions must unify behind Barrett to defeat the sitting Governor. Walker will be touting his balanced budget and budget surplus to convince voters that he should remain in office.