Friday, June 8, 2012

Neumann and Porkzilla

This past wednesday Mark Neumann held an event at the Obama victory center in Madison. I was able to attend and hear in person his plans for the senate race, and how he plans to tackle the deficit. Most of the contents of his speech came from information already on his website so I won't reiterate that here. However it is worth nothing that he has received a few important endorsements from the Club for Growth, Senator DeMint and Senator Rand Paul. This should go a long way to rebuild bridges he may have burned in 2010 when he ran against Scott Walker.

The most crucial part of event was the unveiling of Porkzilla. Porkzilla is Neumann's latest live pig used to represent out of control spending. His last pig, Mr. Favors, now weighs over 140 pounds and is too heavy to be brought to events.

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