Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Walker Wins the Rematch

The results are final, Walker defeated Tom Barrett for the second time. His 53.2-46.3 win is actually larger than his 52.29- 46.52. win in 2010 during the Tea Party avalanche. However Democrats did win a consolation prize in the 21st senate district where John Lehman squeaked out a narrow victory. Barring a recount, they will gain control of the senate. So what now? Walker's large margin will embolden the Republicans while the 21st district win and pain of defeat will make Democrats more motivated, yet hopeful. Obama continues to poll well over Romney state wide, but that lead is shrinking. One thing is sure, Wisconsin will be a key battleground in both the presidential race and US Senate. Stay tuned for analysis on the Senate race as eyes turn away from the recall.

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