Thursday, May 17, 2012

An Anti-Climactic End?

Why would you work so hard to start a recall, occupy the state capital, spend millions of dollars on state senate recalls, and then give up in the last three weeks? While the Wisconsin Democratic party and candidates have not given up, it seems that the DNC itself may have. As of yesterday the DNC had not given the money that the state party has asked for. Wisconsin democrats asked for $500,000 for Barrett, but have yet to receive anything. $500,000! To put this in perspective Walker has raised 25 MILLION since January 2011. That $500,000 check doesn't seem like much in comparison. The Obama campaign was also contacted about giving money, they were not interested. Barrett has raised less than $900,000 since his campaign started. Come on democrats, finish the fight you started. Don’t give up now.

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