Friday, May 18, 2012

Polls and Polls and Polls

Money is necessary to run a campaign, media spreads a candidate's message, but only polls can give a quick snapshot of how the race is shaping up. Currently all those polls have Walker in the lead by a small margin. Walker is currently winning 50-44 with likely voters and only 3% undecided. He is also leading 53-40 with independents. Even the Daily Kos, a left leaning pollster, has Walker up 50-45. Now polls are only a snapshot of how a sample of voters would vote at the time of the poll, but it is a fairly good indication. The race will be close, but Walker appears to have the upper hand. That gigantic fundraising lead has clearly paid off. In response Wisconsin Dems released a statement saying that they had polling showing Barrett closing the gap, but did not release any data. 3 weeks to go, time to step it up democrats.

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